Monday, January 23, 2023

My Top 5 Blog Posts of 2022

I'm not sure I'll do one of these every year going forward, but I was looking over my stats for the past year and I figured. Sure, why not?

I'll provide a link to the top 5 posts of the year with the #1 post being last along with a little commentary on why I think a particular post got as many views as it did.

#5 - RPG Talk: Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

Though its ranking is probably boosted a bit by virtue of being posted in January of last year, allowing it more time to be picked up by searches, SMTIV:A is also one of the more off-beat entries of the franchise, being a pseudo-sequel to a 3DS entry rather than a console installment of the series. This means that it hasn't gotten the same amount of love as other entries and there just aren't many places to get information on it, let alone another person's commentary.

#4 - Betrayal Legacy Board Game

Considering I rarely write about the adventures of my tabletop gaming group, I'm assuming this surfed up to the top 5 by virtue of Betrayal Legacy's popularity. And it's a good game! If you can find a regular group to play it to completion like I did, it can be an amazing experience. Doing so is time-consuming, it took us years (which was not helped by the pandemic), but the group that finished was almost entirely the same group that started, and that helped a lot. By the end we had so many shared memories of things we'd done to each other, but that's all part of the fun.

#3 - VN Talk: Pre-Odyssey: Odysseus, Penelope, and her Ducks

Pre-Odyssey is not the only indie otome game I've covered on my blog, but what it is... is a recent release, which you'll see is a trend with the remaining two posts that placed above it. I discovered Pre-Odyssey within a month of its release, and while it was still new-ish, I was plugging it to anyone who would listen to me. It doesn't have high visibility in the otome community, so I suspect that anyone who wanted to know more about the game or wanted to read another person's take in the aftermath (am I the only person who likes reading reviews after finishing a game?) inevitably ended up here.

#2 - VN Talk: Variable Barricade - Part 6: True Route

Variable Barricade was a 2022 release so it's not surprising that people looking for spoilers about the true route would find my post dedicated specifically to it. Seriously, this one post almost had more views than all my other Variable Barricade posts combined. People want their spoilers. I'm not someone who usually looks for spoiler-specific posts, so I'm not sure visitors got specifically what they were looking for, but I definitely spoiled.

#1 - VN Talk: Billionaire Lovers

This was my #1 post of 2022. Billionaire Lovers launched in English with an Overwhelmingly Positive rating on Steam thanks to blowing up in China well before its translation. But this left English coverage of a popular indie title lacking, and as with Pre-Odyssey, I played this both very close to launch and posted my story breakdown soon after. To be frank, I'm not surprised this was my most popular post of the year, given the subject matter. It's otome-adjacent, but appeals to a wider audience. I just happened to get in early.

And that about covers it! I'm not sure I'm going to go quite as hard on the indies again this year. It's really unusual for me to play something so close to launch, but we'll see.

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