Monday, March 16, 2020

Hunkering Down

I almost didn't write a post this week, but I figured I'd at least say that I'm fine. I'm in southern California and if you're following the news at the moment, you may know that California's governor, Gavin Newsom has been declaring a number of emergency measures over the past few days; restrictions on gatherings, asking the elderly to self-isolate, etc.

My work has taken some measures of its own, and I'm fortunate that my day job is flexible enough that this is possible. In fact, I spent a fair amount of last year working from home while the doctors were trying to figure out what was wrong with me, so I know that 90% of my work I can do remotely without issue. The tricky thing is going to be working with my coworkers when everyone else is doing so at the same time, since they might not be as prepared for it, and we do have some equipment we needed to take with us.

I'm also an introvert who doesn't need to go out much, so the idea of staying home for an extended period of time doesn't bother me, and I'm fortunate enough that I was well stocked for food even before people started panicking. I didn't have to brave the grocery stores and I have faith that essential industries will remain working. As I was telling a friend, the panic buying is only inducing a temporary shortage, and regional distribution systems are still in place so grocery stores will fill up again as people get used to our current situation.

There's a lot that isn't good right now, but I remain hopeful that this cuts back on the spread of the virus while medical researchers get a better handle on how to deal with it. Stay safe, everyone.

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